WHITE PAPERS | CRG - Consulting Resource Group https://crgleader.com Business Consulting Thu, 02 May 2024 18:16:34 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 https://crgleader.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/cropped-favi-crg-32x32.jpg WHITE PAPERS | CRG - Consulting Resource Group https://crgleader.com 32 32 PSI White Paper https://crgleader.com/white-paperpsi/ Fri, 31 Jan 2020 15:45:31 +0000 https://dev3.crgleader.com/?p=5351 CRG’s Personal Style Indicator: Advantages and Differences
The PSI is built on its own unique model, proprietary theory and design based on research valid in the application of normal psychology.

The post PSI White Paper first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.

white paper

CRG’s Personal Style Indicator:
Advantages and Differences

Over 40 years ago CRG had serious concerns with many of the personality assessments in the marketplace like MBTI and DiSC (more recently True Colors and Enneagram) – and because of these concerns, we had to cease using these assessments in our university classes. But we also acknowledged that personality as a concept was critical to personal and professional success. Hence, the creation of CRG’s proprietary Personality Development Factors Model, The PSI Model and the Personal Style Indicator Assessment. The Personal
Style Indicator is now the Number One Personality Assessment Globally as rated by participants. In this PSI White Paper, we outline some of the Advantages and Differences in our design and the breakthrough theory and paradigm behind our assessment.

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The post PSI White Paper first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.

Learner-Friendly Tools https://crgleader.com/white-paper-learner-friendly-tools/ Fri, 31 Jan 2020 15:34:35 +0000 https://dev3.crgleader.com/?p=5336 The Advantages of Learner-Friendly Assessment Design
and Development
CRG Strategically Developed Tools with the User in Mind

The post Learner-Friendly Tools first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.


The Advantages of Learner-Friendly Assessment Design
and Development

CRG Strategically Developed Tools with the User in Mind
Consulting Resource Group International, Inc. (CRG) systems are designed to strategically develop the “people” side of organizations. CRG uses systems theory and best practices models that transform, strengthen, and develop leadership in organizations, teams, individuals and families.

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The post Learner-Friendly Tools first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.
