Assessments Print | CRG - Consulting Resource Group Business Consulting Sat, 02 Mar 2024 19:18:05 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Assessments Print | CRG - Consulting Resource Group 32 32 Print Self-Worth Inventory (SWI) Wed, 22 May 2019 06:20:05 +0000

The Self-Worth Inventory (SWI) is a simple yet powerful process to help measure your levels of self-worth in specific areas of your life. The SWI does not create self-worth; it confirms what is already true.

With the advent of mobile technology, we do highly recommend, (if possible) - that you consider the online version of the CRG assessments.

The post Print Self-Worth Inventory (SWI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.


Confidence is an important character trait which through specific strategies and choice can be improved. The Self-Worth Inventory  is uniquely designed to confirm what CRG calls Situational Self-Worth. This means in some areas of your life you will feel confident in others not as much. This a valuable process so individuals can focus on areas which are most important to them.

We help participant’s identify and confirm their level of Self-Worth in 5 different areas and we also provide a simple yet powerful roadmap and recommendations on how to improve your self-worth levels.

We all have various levels of self-worth.  In the past, discussion about a person’s self-worth was taboo or certainly not encouraged.

The SWI can assist you to do the following:

  • Confirm your level of self-worth in 5 different areas
  • Understand the difference between self-concept and self-esteem
  • Educate one’s self about their self-worth
  • Provide a roadmap and specific steps to improve your self-worth
  • Stop the power of lies within our thinking
  • Provide hope and encouragement
  • Give direction to those who feel lost and alone
  • Immediately improve an individual’s confidence

Every single person on this planet is here for and with a purpose. You are uniquely designed to provide contributions to your community and others.

Don’t let anyone-especially yourself-tell you otherwise!

Use the SWI to:

  • Enrich Your Quality of Life
  • Increase Your Self-Confidence
  • Improve Your Overall Success
  • Take Responsibility for Your Life
  • Ensure You Are Living On Purpose
  • Forgive Yourself and Others

Who can benefit:

  • Employers Working With Staff Members
  • High School Counsellors Working with Students
  • Families – Parents Working With Their Children
  • Professional Counsellors Working With Clients
  • Youth – Siblings, Friends at School
  • Workplaces
  • Any Individual or Team Who Desires to Improve Their Confident

The post Print Self-Worth Inventory (SWI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.

Print Values Preference Indicator (VPI) Wed, 22 May 2019 06:20:05 +0000 The Values Preference Indicator  is a simple yet powerful process to help measure personal values preferences. It is intended to be a self-awareness and educational tool, while helping users gain a deeper understanding of the values that are most important to them.

With the advent of mobile technology, we do highly recommend, (if possible) - that you consider the online version of the CRG assessments.

Note: There is also a full online course What Do You Really Value? which supports the applications and insights gained from the VPI results.

The post Print Values Preference Indicator (VPI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.


When we are not living in alignment with our values, our personal energy is disrupted, our internal drive is hindered and our fulfillment is diminished.

The Values Preference Indicator is one way of looking at your values and only part of a holistic personal or professional development plan. We acknowledge that the VPI values list is a good place to start and that other values not represented in this instrument can and will be important to you.

 The VPI can assist you to do the following:

  • Determine your personal and professional values preferences
  • Provide a process to help you prioritize your values
  • Confirm that what you THINK are your most important values really reflect what you actually value
  • Understand how all your interpersonal relationships are affected by your top values
  • Design a work/career life that best reflects your values and needs
  • Outline a development plan to better align your life with the needs of your values
  • Create a roadmap to help you make values-based decisions
  • Make more intentional life choices
  • Establish where you can increase your fulfillment and purpose in life
  • Reduce conflict and increase harmony as others become aware of the needs and wants of your top values
  • Accept others more easily as you recognize the different needs of others’ values
  • Increase your overall confidence and clarity in all areas of your life

Use the VPI to:

  • Prioritize Your Values
  • Intentionally Design a Positive Work/Career Life
  • Build a Life That is Congruent With Your Values
  • Increase Individual and Team Performance
  • Reduce Stress
  • Improve Decision Making
  • Make The Right Decision Every-Time!

Who can benefit:

  • Everyone—No Exceptions!

The post Print Values Preference Indicator (VPI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.

Print Leadership Skills Inventory-Self (LSI-S) Wed, 22 May 2019 06:20:04 +0000

The Leadership Skills Inventory–Self  is based on research in applied behavioral science and leadership effectiveness. It focuses primarily on helping you develop your ability to manage “self” and the “people” side of leadership. The research on emotional and organizational intelligence continues to substantiate the validity of the leadership skills in this inventory.

With the advent of mobile technology, we do highly recommend, (if possible) - that you consider the online version of the CRG assessments.

Note:  There is also an Leadership Skills Inventory - 360º available in an online format if you wish to add feedback from others to your leadership skills review.

The post Print Leadership Skills Inventory-Self (LSI-S) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.


This assessment is a condensed and streamlined version of the book, Transforming Leadership, by Dr. Terry D. Anderson.  The book provides you with the theoretical and research background upon which the LSI–Self instrument is based. Completing this learning tool will position you to manage less and lead more, by guiding you to pinpoint the specific skills you need to develop to increase your leadership effectiveness.

Note: The LSI–Self was not designed to assess your ability in technical or operational managerial areas.

The LSI–Self will help you gain insight and formulate a solid leadership development plan.

As you proceed you will see strengths you can maximize and identify areas (gaps) that need work.

Using this assessment, you can:

  • Establish your agreement to the 12 Transforming Leadership Principles;
  • Evaluate your proficiency level in any of the 60 Transforming Leadership Skills;
  • Assess your level of functioning in each of the five skills sections; which are Self-Management Skills ; Interpersonal Communications Skills; Coaching, Counselling and Problem Management Skills; Team and Consulting Skills and Organizational Development and Versatility Skills:
  • Determine your overall level of Leadership competency.

Through the LSI–Self, you can become more confident, better equipped, and more effective with a wider range of individuals, teams, and organizations.

The LSI–Self can assist you to do the following:

  • Benchmark key skills levels for anyone in a leadership or supervisory role
  • Determine required professional development for executive succession planning
  • Facilitate leadership-team development and responsibility allocation, based on leadership skills levels
  • Establish framework and focus points for Executive and Leadership coaching
  • Outline steps for a personal development strategy or plan
  • Assist in the selection, hiring, and promotion for any supervisory or leadership position
  • Identify required skills for success in any leadership role or responsibility

The Leadership Skills Inventory–Self supports anyone in a leadership or supervisory role to first benchmark, then outline, specific steps to increase and improve his or her leadership effectiveness.

Use LSI-Self to:

  • Establish agreement to the 12 Leadership Principles.
  • Assess competency in each of the 5 leadership sections.
  • Evaluate proficiency in any of the 60 Transforming Leadership Skills.
  • Confirm perceptions of your leadership skills as others see you, using the LSI–360° feedback tool.
  • Determine the required professional development.
  • Identify required skills for success in any leadership role

Who can benefit:

  • Managers
  • Consultants
  • Mentors
  • Trainers
  • Counselors
  • Coaches
  • Business Owners

The post Print Leadership Skills Inventory-Self (LSI-S) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.

Print Personal Style Indicator (PSI) Wed, 22 May 2019 13:20:04 +0000 The Personal Style Indicator (print) has two parts. The PSI and the PSI In-Depth Interpretations which are both required to provide you and your client the full PSI results. We list them as bundle below for your convenience.  With the advent of mobile technology, we do highly recommend, (if possible) - that you consider the online version of the CRG assessments - if available in your language.

The Personal Style Indicator has been rated # 1 Personality (Personal Style) Assessment for over 40 years by participants!

The post Print Personal Style Indicator (PSI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.


Research has confirmed that your (our) Self-Awareness is the secret ingredient (meta-skill) for success in the 21st century. People who understand who they are—and how they’re seen—make smarter choices, build positive relationships, enjoy more successful careers, feel more fulfilled and live better lives.

The PSI and PSI In-Depth Interpretations (print version) comes in two separate booklets (but sold as a package) with the in-depth report outlining strengths as well as common areas of difficulty. The PSI is focused on helping others develop so you can proactively take your performance to the next level. Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective.

The PSI can assist you to do the following:

  • Discover your natural predisposition to time, tasks, people, and situations!
  • Identify your basic personal style, which is the way you prefer to respond to time, people, tasks, and situations.
  • Gain self-understanding and self-acceptance and greater appreciation and acceptance of others.
  • Recognize the consequences and effect of your interpersonal style and the effect your personal style has on the way you relate to others.
  • Discover your typical reactions to stress and pressure and learn how to compensate for your weaknesses.
  • Better understand the style tendencies of others and learn to interact with them more effectively, to promote harmony and increase your credibility.
  • Increase your productivity and success by sharing a common language when talking with others about the style behaviors that are preferred at home or on a particular job.
  • Determine your preferred work style and work environment to more intentionally select the best job, role, and/or career for you
  • Develop a plan to increase your style-flexibility and effectiveness in relation to tasks and in your interactions with others
  • Facilitate team development through the careful assessment of team-member strengths.

Use the PSI to:

  • Increase Emotional Intelligence
  • Foster Self-Awareness of Self and Others
  • Improve Performance & Communications
  • Decrease Conflict
  • Clarify Best Roles & Work Responsibilities
  • Build Positive Teams & Engagement
  • Equip Leaders
  • Help Individuals Realize Their Full Potential

Who can benefit:

  • All Employees & Team Members
  • Leaders/Managers
  • Students (15 years and older)
  • Families
  • Potential Employees
  • Partners: Business and Personal

The post Print Personal Style Indicator (PSI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.

Print Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP) Wed, 22 May 2019 06:20:04 +0000

The Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP) helps you assess your stress and wellness level in five different categories. The SIHP is constantly being updated with the latest health and wellness research for you and your team – to first benchmark your condition -and then outline simple, yet power strategies to decrease your stress and increase your wellness. With 120 questions and over 24 pages of health recommendations – this is a powerful assessment and process for any individual or group who wants to improve their wellbeing.

With the advent of mobile technology, we do highly recommend, (if possible) - that you consider the online version of the CRG assessments.

Note: There will soon be a full online course Dying To Live: Breakthrough Stress Reduction and Health Practises which supports the applications and insights gained from the SIHP results.


The post Print Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.


Did you know that according to the World Health Organization that 90-95% of all illness is lifestyle related and preventable? Did you also know that over 75% of individuals in the developed world are now overweight and over 50% are highly stress at work?

The Stress Indicator and Health Planner is an instrument designed to help you assess your current levels of stress and health in 5 Categories.

  1. Distress Levels – Physically, Psychologically & Behaviorally
  2. Interpersonal Stress
  3. Nutritional and Lifestyle Stress
  4. Time Stress
  5. Occupational Stress

The SIHP can assist you to do the following:

  • Instantly provide you information so you can develop a plan to enhance your overall wellness and decrease your stress levels.
  • Increase your awareness and insight regarding potential risk areas that interfere with optimal health, performance, and long-term enjoyment of life.
  • Provide you a roadmap for self and others to plan for increased health and vitality.
  • Allow engagement by anyone at anytime without the need of certification or the involvement of outside professionals.
  • The Health Planner is designed to provide practical information and common sense to assist you in making choices that will move you in the direction of your wellness goals.
  • Use the Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP) on a regular and planned basis; we recommend that you consider completing the SIHP at least once a year to track or benchmark any changes to your (or organizations) stress and wellness levels.
  • Implemented as part of any Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
  • Use the SIHP with the other CRG assessments as a process to reduce stress – such as job fit, values clarification, leadership skills development, etc., especially for the interpersonal, time and occupational stress categories.
  • As our life changes, so do our stress and wellness levels. The SIHP is an excellent way to be proactive in your overall health strategies.
  • Created your organizational or corporate wellness programs using the SIHP to benchmark and track the overall health and wellness practices of their employees. Then based on the SIHP results, track trends and implement training and support programs to address important or critical stress and wellness issues.
  • You will also find that many of the other CRG assessments can assist you in your strategies to reduce your stress and improve your wellness, especially as you review the interpersonal, time, and occupational sections.

Special Note:

  • Although the Stress Indicator and Health Planner is well-grounded in accepted medical research, the Stress Indicator should not be used as a substitute for medical diagnosis and the Health Planner should not be used for the self-treatment of any suspected illness. In the case of any suspected illness, you should see your doctor. If you have a concern, you can complete this assessment and take the results to your doctor. This will help you explain in greater detail any conditions you might have.

Use the SIHP to:

  • Identify Stress Levels in 5 Critical Areas
  • Determine Targeted Action Plans
  • Incorporate Healthy Behaviors
  • Increase Health and Wellness Levels
  • Raise Job Satisfaction
  • Improve Performance & Quality of Life

Who can benefit:

  • Any Individual Who Wants To Decrease Stress and Increase Their Wellness
  • Employee Assistance Programs
  • Corporate Wellness Programs
  • Each Family Member
  • Employees and Managers
  • HR Departments
  • Organizations Who Care About Health and Wellness

The post Print Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.

Print Sales Style Indicator (SSI) Wed, 22 May 2019 06:20:04 +0000 Selling is one of the most important skills people should develop. It does not matter what our job or role is—we are all involved in selling. We are all selling our ideas and desires to others.
The Sales Style Indicator (print) has two parts. The SSI and the SSI In-Depth Interpretations which are both required to provide you and your client the full SSI results. We list them as bundle below for your convenience. With the advent of mobile technology, we do highly recommend, (if possible) - that you consider the online version of the CRG assessments - if available in your language.

The Sales Style Indicator has been rated # 1 Personality (Sales Style) Assessment for over 30 years by participants!

The post Print Sales Style Indicator (SSI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.


The Sales Style Indicator (SSI) is a powerful sales communication and learning tool that can instantly improve the performance and results of any sales or customer service professional. The SSI and SSI In-Depth Interpretations (print version) comes in two separate booklets (but sold as a package) with the in-depth report outlining strengths as well as common areas of difficulty. The SSI is focused on helping others develop so you can proactively take your performance to the next level.  Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective.

This in-depth report helps you and your sales team discover their natural selling style while instantly providing these same sales professionals a framework to determine clients’ preferred buying styles. Participants identify their specific SSI style pattern(s), which assists them to instantly understand their strengths and potential challenges so they can be more effective sales, sales managers, and customer service professionals.

The Sales Style Indicator can assist you to do the following:

  • Identify your basic Sales Style of responding to prospects, clients, and sales tasks
  • Gain self-understanding, self-acceptance, and greater understanding and acceptance of others
  • Identify the consequences and/or strengths of your selling style when relating with your prospects and clients
  • Identify your typical reactions to sales stress and pressure and learn how to compensate for your weaknesses
  • Better understand the buying style tendencies of your client and learn to interact with them more effectively
  • Learn how to successfully and quickly build rapport with your clients, potential clients, and others
  • Increase harmony and productivity by sharing a common language when talking with others about the style behaviors that are more effective or productive in various sales situations
  • Determine your preferred selling style and work environment, to more intentionally select the best sales role, structure, and responsibilities for you
  • Gain an understanding of human behavior that you can use to ease tension and promote harmony in relationships with prospects and clients and in your interactions with your fellow workers
  • Facilitate sales team development through the careful assessment of team-member strengths and weaknesses
  • Develop a plan to increase your Sales Style flexibility and effectiveness during sales calls with prospects and clients and in your interactions with team members

Use the SSI to:

  • Hire, Recruit, and Place
  • Confirm Preferred Sales Style
  • Understand Your Client’s Buying Styles
  • Increase Sales Results and Build Rapport
  • Coach Sales Performance

Who can benefit:

  • All Sales Professionals
  • Sales Managers
  • Customer Service Teams
  • Coaches, Trainers, Speakers
  • Potential Employees
  • Job Placement Counselors

The post Print Sales Style Indicator (SSI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.

Print Instructional Style Indicator (ISI) Wed, 22 May 2019 06:20:03 +0000

The ISI and ISI In-Depth Interpretations (print version) comes in two separate booklets (but sold as a package) with the in-depth report outlining strengths as well as common areas of limitations. With the advent of mobile technology, we do highly recommend, (if possible) - that you consider the online version of the CRG assessments.

The Instructional Style Indicator is a compelling communication and learning tool that can instantly improve the instructional performance and results of any educator, teacher, speaker, trainer, facilitator, coach, or instructor.

The post Print Instructional Style Indicator (ISI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.


The ISI can assist you to increase your overall instructional effectiveness and equip you with strategies for being pro-active and intentional with all your learners. This tool is useful for everyone involved in the transfer of knowledge or skills, including those who prepare instruction or who do on-the-job training.

Instructing others to learn is certainly a high calling. It requires using the best possible strategies to achieve the outcome and results that all parties seek. Today, human knowledge is doubling about every 24 months. That means the need for instruction and continuous learning has never been greater.

The ISI can assist you to do the following:

  • Increase the success of your participants and students!
  • Better understand the style tendencies of your students.
  • Shift your instructional style to meet the student’s learning style needs.
  • Improve your instructional effectiveness immediately.
  • Increase your credibility with your learners.
  • Learn how to immediately implement instructional flexibility.
  • Develop a plan to increase your effectiveness in your interactions with your students.

Use the ISI to:

  • Increase Your Instructional Impact and Results
  • Build Mentor/Mentee Relationships
  • Hire and Evaluate Instructors
  • Confirm Instructional Style
  • Determine Instructional Limitations
  • Understand How to Teach Different Learning Styles

Who can benefit:

  • Teachers/Educators
  • Speakers and Trainers
  • Coaches/Mentors
  • Human Resources Managers
  • Instructors
  • Supervisors/Leaders

The post Print Instructional Style Indicator (ISI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.

Print Job Style Indicator (JSI) Wed, 22 May 2019 06:20:03 +0000 The Job Style Indicator (JSI) helps you prioritize the types of tasks and the style behaviors required for a specific position.

We would highly recommend that you consider the online version of the Job Style Indicator where you can then use the results with a online style tool result to produce Job Style Compatibility Report.

The post Print Job Style Indicator (JSI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.


Even though the Job Style Indicator is an important addition to the job selection process, performance improvement, and career planning, it is only one part of the hiring and/or development procedure. It is also necessary to completely define the needs of the job and/or role and the job’s requisite skills, competencies, experience, and educational requirements.

Do you need help in “getting the right people on the bus and the right people in the right seats”?

True job satisfaction is about more than money and security. Matching preferred work styles to relevant roles provides intrinsic rewards too. Job satisfaction is a tricky thing. Ideally, occupation would be consistent with personality and skills.

 The JSI can assist you to do the following:

  • Determine the required work style of a current/potential position, job or responsibilities
  • Understand how other team members see the work style requirements for that position or role
  • Identify the behavioral style of the responsibilities of a new venture or business opportunity
  • Provide a roadmap to match each person’s preferred work style and work environment to help him or her more intentionally select the best job, role, and/or career
  • Use the JSI with any of CRG’s style assessments to determine work style compatibility. They include the Personal Style Indicator, Sales Style Indicator, Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator,and Instructional Style Indicator.
  • Increase team performance through the shifting of work roles and responsibilities to better reflect team members’ job-fit
  • Reduce staff turnover and work-related stress levels
  • Develop plans for work style flexibility and improved role-effectiveness

 Use the JSI to:

  • Confirm Style Pattern and Requirements For A Role
  • Clarify Responsibilities
  • Confirm Behavioral Expectations
  • Establish Mutual Understanding
  • Confirm Working Style Needs

 Who can benefit:

  • Employers
  • HR and Hiring Managers
  • Employees for Role Fit
  • Potential Employees For Hiring
  • Career Centers
  • Recruiters
  • Teams

The post Print Job Style Indicator (JSI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.

Print Learning Style Indicator (LSI) Wed, 22 May 2019 06:20:03 +0000 The LSI and LSI In-Depth Interpretations (print version) comes in two separate booklets (but sold as a package) with the in-depth report outlining strengths as well as common areas of learning limitations. With the advent of mobile technology, we do highly recommend, (if possible) - that you consider the online version of the CRG assessments.

Discover how you and others learn best by completing the Learning Style Indicator. This  assessment helps you and your clients understand your natural learning preferences, your learning style pattern(s), and your most effective learning strategies.

The post Print Learning Style Indicator (LSI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.


For years, some students were wrongly accused of being poor learners when, in fact, they were being taught by instructors who didn’t teach the way those students were best able to learn. Every single learner—from elementary/middle school students, to adults retraining for a new profession—should understand his or her preferred learning style. Then, as learners they can intentionally create a learning environment that plays to their strengths and preferences.

Not only should every learner complete the Learning Style Indicator, every instructor, educator, teacher, parent, speaker, facilitator, coach, leader, and supervisor should understand the needs and wants of each of the 21 learning style patterns.

Note: The CRG LSI results and model are proprietary, and are not the same as other models such as Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) or Emotional Intelligence (EI).

Learning is no longer just about individuals graduating from high school or post-secondary institutions, then moving on to a career. Change has never been more continuous, requiring each of us, if we want to add value to the marketplace, to keep expanding our knowledge, skills, and competencies. The average person in the 21st century will have 5 to 10 careers, including jobs that have not even been invented yet.

This means that each of us—no matter what our age or background—must commit to life-long learning.

The LSI can assist you to do the following:

  • Identify how you and others learn best!
  • Understand your natural learning preferences.
  • Discover your learning style pattern(s).
  • Determine your most effective learning strategies.
  • Intentionally create a learning environment that plays to your strengths and preferences.
  • Increase your productivity and success by sharing your learning style with your Instructor.
  • Develop a plan to increase your style-flexibility and effectiveness in learning environments.

Use the LSI to:

  • Learn How You Learn
  • Understand the Four Different Learning Styles
  • Confirm Your Specific Learning Style Pattern(s)
  • Determine the Best Learning Environments and Instructors for You

Who can benefit:

  • Any Student, Age 14 and up
  • Employees
  • Instructors
  • Seminar Participants
  • Clients
  • Family Members


The post Print Learning Style Indicator (LSI) first appeared on CRG - Consulting Resource Group.
