{"id":5419,"date":"2020-04-06T09:07:16","date_gmt":"2020-04-06T16:07:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/dev3.crgleader.com\/?p=5419"},"modified":"2020-04-13T15:55:49","modified_gmt":"2020-04-13T22:55:49","slug":"blogwhat-do-you-really-want","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/crgleader.com\/blogwhat-do-you-really-want\/","title":{"rendered":"What Do You Really Want to Do With Your Life?"},"content":{"rendered":"

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What Do You Really Want to Do with Your Life? Discovering Your Purpose<\/strong><\/p>\n

Note: This article contains excerpts from my latest book:<\/em><\/p>\n

The Quest For Purpose: A Self-Discovery Process to Find It and Live It! <\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Source: <\/strong><\/p>\n<\/td>\n


The point at which something springs into being or from which it derives or is obtained; one that causes, creates or initiates; a maker; one, such as a person or document, that supplies information; the point or part of a system where energy or mass is added to the system.<\/p>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n\n\n\n

Your Life Leaves Clues
Odds are, this article is for you or certainly for someone you know. Why? Because four out of five individuals dislike their life and work\u2014and only 10% of the population feels passionate and \u201con purpose\u201d with their lives.<\/p>\n

Have you ever felt you deserved more\u2014more fulfillment, more satisfaction, more success, more significance?<\/p>\n

I believe each and every person\u2014including you\u2014is here for a reason. You were created with specific interests, talents and gifts that can excite and motivate you. You simply need to embark on a path to self-discovery. Only you can uncover the hidden treasure that you seek! Only you can find your Purpose<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

What do I mean by Purpose<\/strong>? Metaphorically speaking, it refers to your innate talents, gifts, interests and abilities. Everyone has them, whether or not they acknowledge them. Some argue that abilities are developed over time as part of one\u2019s environment; others contend that people are born with these internal motivating factors.<\/p>\n

With the Quest <\/strong>process, it really does not matter why you are attracted to something. The important thing is that you are<\/strong>!<\/p>\n

Interests are gifts given to you by your birthright. They capture your awareness and concentration. They are compelling. Interests create your sense of self, uniqueness and drives. You must identify them because they represent your \u201creal\u201d self. As they are permitted to flourish, you thrive.<\/p>\n

For example, I have no idea why I love speaking, writing and building businesses. I just know that I do. In fact, after 31 years and 3000 presentations, I enjoy training and speaking even more now than before. Does it really matter from where these interests originate? No it does not!<\/p>\n

Everyone reading this has Quest<\/strong>\/Purpose<\/strong> factors and elements. Some are not aware of them or have not given themselves permission to discover them. After all, finding is reserved for the searcher. If you are not looking, how can you find?\u00a0<\/p>\n

What else could limit your Quest journey?<\/p>\n