Deliberate Leadership

The principles and strategies in Deliberate Leadership apply to everyone who wants to lead self and others more effectively—whether you are a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, Law Enforcement or Military Officer, Small Business Owner, University Dean, Volunteer Leader, Pastor, Shift Supervisor, Student or Parent.

Some of the Vital Knowledge You Will Gain

  • The impact and implications of your leadership style
  • The 2 main reasons why leaders fail
  • The 3 skills that every leader must have to succeed
  • How to influence and inspire others intentionally
  • How to immediately increase employee engagement
  • New definitions of Extroversion and Introversion—why others have it wrong!
  • Why playing to your strengths is not an option
  • A system to optimize team and organizational performance

Praise for Deliberate Leadership

“Keis and Javidi articulate a new and fascinating framework for achieving greater restults as a leader. All professionals who are striving to find or re-find their footing at work will benefit from the key principles and thought-provoking exercises posed in this powerful, interactive book!”

Marshall Goldsmith
Author, New York Times Bestseller, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

Praise for Deliberate Leadership

“Deliberate Leadership is a must read! From reading this book I learned a lot about myself—and about leadership—even though I led thousands of soldiers in combat. Countless times I’d told leaders they should treat their subordinates the way they wanted me to treat them but, as Ken and Mitch write, leaders should treat people the way they leaders wish to be treated. First, you must understand yourself and others. Deliberate Leadership will help you do that.”

Colonel Ted Spain (Retired)
Author, Breaking Iraq – The Ten Mistakes That Broke Iraq

Praise for Deliberate Leadership

“Keis and Javidi have developed a veritable and remarkably comprehensive volume that explores deliberate leadership and the centrality of purpose. Replete with mini-vignettes and personal experiences the authors send a poignant and powerful message about the importance of honoring the integrity of natural predispositions of leaders and followers. Readers would benefit from the concepts examined including self-awareness, values systems, credibility, influence, social learning processes, and the spiritual dimension of leadership. Although written for institutional and organizational leaders this book should be on the desk of all those with a vested interest in personal and professional growth and development

Anthony H. Normore, Ph.D.
Professor of Educational Leadership, California State University System