Why Aren’t You More Like Me? II PSI Trainer’s Certification eCourse

Discover the Foundation of Personal and Professional Success with CRG’s Expertly Designed eCourse

PSI Trainer’s Certification eCourse

is Designed to Show You EXACTLY How to Use,

Apply, Train and Master CRG’s

Personal Style Indicator in personal

and professional applications!

  • Learn why CRG’s Personal Style Indicator is now the Number One Rated Personality Assessment Globally by Participants.
  • Be equipped as a professional to teach, coach, and support your clients (internally or externally) in the application or personal style theory into their everyday life!
  • Understand the advantages & differences in the PSI design and be able to easily explain these to team members and clients!

NOTE: Why Aren’t You More Like Me? Part One is a prerequisite to this Online Course


Why Aren’t You More Like Me?
PSI Trainer’s eCourse!


Discover the Foundation of Personal and Professional Success with

CRG’s Expertly Designed eCourse.


24 Powerful Trainer Lessons

Help others figure out who they are and change their world!
5 Hours of Easy to Digest Training Videos
24 Simple Modules
21-page PSI Models Workbook
Advanced Training on PSI Model
Be Equipped To Use the PSI as a trainer, coach, consultant, speaker or HR Professional
10 Short and Fun Quizzes
Bonus Modules on Case Studies and Job Fit
Support PDF’s and Checklists
Certification Exam



Exclusive Learning at

Your Own Pace

This eCourse is designed to show you exactly
how to improve your life and others through mastering the skill of
Enroll now to get complete access
to video lessons along with an exclusive content
only available in this course. Learn at your own
pace on mobile or desktop. Do it in 8 hours, or 8
weeks. The choice is completely yours!

Learn How to Transform Others using

CRG’s Personal Style Indicator and the

Why Aren’t You More Like Me? eCourse/book.


Once You Help Others Figure Out Who They Are, Their Whole World Starts to Change!

This course helps you help others discover their authentic self, by increasing their effectiveness in all areas of their life. It equips you to teach others the unique and powerful content of the Personal Style Indicator.
Understand the Secrets of “How to read others and increasing your credibility in all your relationships!”
Dr. Keis will teach you how to master yourself and transform others as a leader in any field.

Are you ready to radically improve your self-confidence and transform into the greatest you?

Students Give This

Personal Style eCourse a

4.9 out of 5

star rating.


“Participants were intrigued with the Personal Style Indicator as each person began to understand their strengths and areas to improve, they were able to recognize strengths in others and how each could be motivated. Participants gained an understanding of persona styles through Ken’s thorough and entertaining presentation. Many
commented on how well he kept their interest throughout the presentation, and that
they went away empowered to work with their leadership teams”

Pat Tonn,

Youth Development Specialist
BC Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food


Ken Keis has written the definite go-to guide for understanding what makes you
-and people around you- tick. Why Aren’t You More Like Me? is a fascinating read,
because it’s all about you! This book/course will challenge the way you think about
yourself and your world”

Ken Blanchard

New York Times Bestselling Author of The One Minute Manager and Lead with LUV


“Ken Keis presented a seminar on the Personal Style Indicator. Ken’s knows hoe to established a good atmosphere for learning. i found that the PSI seminar proved beneficial in building a better interpersonal relation and a strengthened our work team”

Earl Jenstand,


Watch these course testimonials!

Just some of the over 1,000,000 clients who have used the 
Personal Style Indicator and the contents of this
Why Aren’t You More Like Me? course to transform

individually, as a team and as an organization


About Your Course Leader Dr. Ken Keis


Ken Keis, Ph.D. is an expert in leadership, wellness, purpose and behavioral assessments. In fact, Dr. Keis has conducted the content of this eCourse in a live or online format nearly 1000 times over the past 30 years. He brings his highly engaging style with illustrations for you to experience in this course.

His passion is to equip individuals (through this course) with the emotional intelligence and self-awareness to improve their relationships and increase their success in all areas of their life.

Dr. Keis is also the host of the podcast series, Secrets of Success, Keis’ material is proven to increase productivity and reduce conflict.

His message applies to both business and personal use. As a bestselling author, he has written or co-written four books, 12 assessments and over 500 articles.

Hundreds of thousands have experienced Dr. Keis in live presentations, and over a thousand professional developers and leaders have been through CRG’s PMAC – Professional Mastery & Assessments Certification 3-Day training program.

Dr. Keis’ seminars are beneficial for corporations, small businesses, schools, churches, and government agencies. These time-tested strategies work to improve results, lower stress, minimize employee turnover and dramatically improve communications.

Ken is the owner of CRG Consulting Resource Group, International, Inc. a leading provider of the cutting-edge CRG Holistic Assessment System which now offers a dozen different assessments.

Class Workbook

A downloadable workbook complements each class with lesson recaps and exercises.


You’ll receive your PSI Certificate of Completion.


Office Hours

Dr. Ken will be available to answer questions and provide feedback.

Lesson Plan Sequence



Welcome to Why Aren’t You More Like Me? –  PSI Trainer’s eCourse!

  • Congratulations On Registering For Our Course – We Believe It Will Change Your Life!


History & Introduction

  • What Are We Going To Cover in this Course?
  • History of the Personal Style Indicator


Advantages & Differences of the Personal Style Indicator

  • PSI White Paper
  • PSI Comparison Grid
  • Learner Friendly Tools
  • Why 85% of Professionals Choose the PSI over Other Assessments


Developing The Whole Person

  • CRG’s Personality Development Factors Model
  • Are We Nature or Nurture?
  • Why Developing The Whole Person is Foundational To CRG’s Approach.


CRG’s Digital Dashboard

  • Highlights of the Power of CRG ‘s Online Digital Dashboard


Assessment Terminology and Design of the Personal Style Indicator’s Word List

  • Learning Test Design Terminology
  • How CRG’s Word List is Different and Better Than Other Assessments Including DiSC and MBTI!


Facilitation of the PSI Report – Part One

  • Reviewing PSI Report Results
  • What Do PSI Scores Mean? Part 1
  • Facilitating Participants Through the First Part of the PSI Report


Small Group Activity with the PSI Results

  • Using an in person or online interactive activity to help individuals and teams learn about their strengths, challenges and differences.


PSI Report Debrief – Part Two


  • Knowing how to CRG calculates its patterns is critical to being a professional using the PSI.
  • We explain how we get your Primary and Secondary Pattern(s).


PSI Pattern Quiz

  • As a professional we take you through several examples and ask you to determine what pattern or patterns will the CRG system calculate based on different scores.
  • Learn how is it possible to get up to 3 PSI Patterns and Reports not just one like many other assessments that pigeon hole or trap you.


PSI Report Debrief – Part Three

Activities for In-Depth Interpretations

  • Learn why the In-Depth Interpretations are the most important part of the PSI Report for participants.
  • Guide individuals through activities to get the most out of their report and content.


CRG’s Proprietary Theory

The PSI Model

  • The PSI Model – CRG’s Proprietary Theory on Personal Style
  • Confirm that you know the CRG definitions of Extroversion and Introversion
  • Learn why the stereo typically definitions of extroversion and introversion are first incorrect and second are discriminatory and do not include high percentages of the population.


The Three Step Credibility Process: Translating, Suspending, and

Style – Shifting

  • How to read others (Translating) using the PSI Model and descriptions of the Four Dimensions.
  • Building Credibility with others means never being offended or getting in the way of the potential relationship. This means learning how to “Suspend” your needs over others.
  • The third step “Style-Shifting” means you have become a “Student of Style” and know the needs of wants of those similar and different than you so you can intentionally adjust your approach and behaviors to meet their needs not yours.


PSI Case Studies

  • Through simple narratives we will confirm if you can determine the style of others using CRG’s Three Step process and PSI Model.
  • Document your findings as we discuss a couple of case studies together.


PSI Case Studies Practicing

  • Now it is your turn to take the remaining 3 Case Studies and respond to the 5 questions for each case study
  • You can use the case studies with your employees and clients to test their knowledge or the PSI and the PSI Model.


Advanced PSI Courses – Levels 2 & 3

  • CRG has created Advanced courses for the application of the PSI. Each level requires around 4 hours of teach time in an interactive and reflective environment.
  • These sessions are supported with booklets and handouts that are purchased on a per person basis.


PSI Support Resources for Professionals

  • CRG has created several support resources for professionals when using the Personal Style Indicator.
  • PowerPoint, Handouts, Workbooks, Trainer’s Guidelines and Professional Guidelines all assist you when presenting and using the PSI.



CRG Awards and Certification

  • As a professional it is an added benefit to be affiliated with an organization with a proven track record and awards. We review a couple of them in this segment.


PSI 360° Report, PSI Team Report &

PSI Plus Report

  • Expand the application and use of the PSI with these options


Job Style Indicator for Positions

  • The PSI is only one part of a system that helps individuals, teams and organizations with engagement. Part Two is Job Style where you confirm the nature of the position before you attempt to fill it with a candidate or promote someone.


Manager’s Job Style Indicator

  • This is the advanced version of the Job Style Indicator where up to 5 individuals can provide their opinion or insights for one single position.
  • In this proprietary process new insights and hiring team communications are created in their facilitated assessment on your position.


JSI Compatibility Report

  • This online software interface produces Job Fit reports between CRG’s Style tools like the Personal Style Indicator, Sales Style Indicator, Instructional Style Indicator and Entrepreneurial Style & Success Indicator and your Job Style or Manager’s Job Style Indicator.
  • You will learn about the compatibility report and it’s application to any hiring, promotion or succession planning process.


Plan & Applications for PSI

  • Applications and Methodology PDF Checklist.
  • With so many applications possible with the PSI we provide you a checklist for both how and where you might begin your use of the PSI. It helps you get started.


Wrap-Up and Final Exam

  • Confirm next steps.
  • Since this is a certification you complete the final exam and confirm your knowledge of the PSI, PSI Model and CRG terminology.
  • Get started on changing people’s lives with the PSI.