Sales Style Indicator -360°


The SSI 360º is a simple yet power process to capture how individuals experience Others. There are no right or wrong answers and what this method has does is documents the perceptions and opinions of those around you.

This assessment does not create the results, but rather confirms what is already true for each individual -providing a framework and system to understand self and others.

Download/view Sample SSI– 360º Report


Sales Style Indicator 360º (SSI-360º)

The SSI 360º can assist you to do the following:

  • Identify your actual selling style of how you responding to prospects, clients and tasks.
  • Helps the person of “Focus” gain self-awareness on how others see them and their behaviors in sales and customer service environments.
  • Recognize the impact and effect that your/their selling style is having on the way you relate to clients and potential clients.
  • Confirm if the awareness of self – aligns and is congruent with how others are REALLY experiencing you.
  • Identify the consequences and/or strengths of your selling style when relating with your prospects and clients.
  • Learn how you might better build rapport with your clients, potential clients and team members.
  • Gain an understanding of human behavior that you can use to ease tension and promote harmony in relationships with prospects and clients and in your interactions with your fellow workers
  • Develop a plan to increase your Style flexibility and effectiveness during interactions with prospects and clients and in your communications with team members

This 360° Report reveals the level of congruency between the participants perception of self and how others see them.  After deploying this powerful process the next step is to have conversations on the similarities and differences between the 360° feedback and the participant.

The purpose of CRG assessments are not the results, but rather what action steps are you prepared to take or share with the participants because of this feedback.

Special Note:

  • Certification is not required to access or use CRG assessments but available – Find Out More
  • Volume Pricing Available – Find Out More
  • Special Pricing for Education Available – Find Out More or call 604-852-0566

Use to:

  • Increase Emotional Intelligence
  • Foster Self-Awareness of Self and Others
  • Improve Performance & Communications
  • Confirm Preferred Sales Style
  • Understand How Client’s Experience Your Selling Style
  • Increase Sales Results and Build Rapport
  • Coach Sales Performance

Who can benefit:

  • All Sales Professionals
  • Sales Managers
  • Customer Service Teams
  • Potential Employees
  • Recruiters

This product is not available in any language other than English.


Note: If you need this in another language, please connect with CRG as we are always looking for new language partners.

Take Your Knowledge to The Next Level with The Why Don’t You Sell The Way That I Buy? ™ eCourse.



Support resources

Why Aren’t You More Like Me? -Book

Without this book, you have only scraped the surface of understanding personal style. Would you like to know more about style and how you can use it to improve your life, relations and interactions with others? The Third Edition of this book is authored by Ken Keis. Learn more about interacting with others and how style affects every area of your life. Retail $30.00.

Here’s What You Will Get and Learn:

Take your personal style knowledge and understanding to the next level with the book.

  • You will receive your own personalized report on your specific style pattern(s) and how to personally increase your effectiveness with self and others—View a Sample Report
  • Learn about the one factor that without it you will forever be hindered in your ability to build lasting relationships.
  • That developing your weaknesses is a myth and highly over rated. You will learn to play and design a life that plays to your strengths and natural predisposition.
  • Learn how to lead and inspire others who are different than you.
  • Learn how to match your personal style to the nature of the work and roles so that you will have a fulfilling work life.
  • Learn to avoid this one condition that without it you will not be able to sustain your engagement or personal energy.
  • Learn what our parents told us was wrong with us is actually right with us.
  • Learn about a holistic development model and strategies to advance and improve all the areas of your life.
  • Learn that what we were all taught about introversion and extroversion is flawed and embrace a more powerful explanation of why we prefer what we prefer.
  • Be able to intentionally make decisions in all areas of your life with confidence—every time.

Take your personal style knowledge and understanding to the next level with the book Why Aren’t You More Like Me?™

SSI PowerPoint

Appeal to the visual learners in your group with a professional PowerPoint presentation. CRG created the slides to accompany presentations using the assessment report, models, or workbook. Now we are offering you our PowerPoint presentation for use in your seminar or training.

You can customize the presentation for your group by using as many or as few of the slides as you like—and even adding some of your own. The PowerPoint comes as a downloadable file in both 3×4 and 9×16 formats. The PowerPoint also fully supports the workbook.

Use the PowerPoint as the finishing touch to creating visually stimulating and professional training.

Workbook – Why Don’t You Sell the Way That I Buy?

Give your sales training extra value with this workbook.  This is a companion piece for presentations using the online report results. 

Topics include:

  • Understanding Your Selling Style;
  • Action Steps to Increase Sales Effectiveness; and
  • Understanding Customers’ Buying Styles.

Have CRG customize this workbook for you—specifically for your clients or organization. We will insert, change, revise, or co-create curricula that reflect your models, culture, and content, using this workbook as a template.

Create strong sales teams and training with this workbook.