Professional’s Guides

PSI/JSI Professional’s Guide

This 64-page Professional’s Guide includes background details and information on the creation of the tools and their intended applications.  This is for the professional developer who plans on using these tools with to serve their clients – other internally or externally. 

We outline CRG’s theory and design on the reasons why the Personal Style Indicator is the number-one Personality assessment globally as rated by participants. 

We explain why the stereo typically definitions of extroversion (extraversion) and introversion (introversion) are not inclusive or correct. 

We also include the information on the Job Style Indicator and why this process is foundational to Job-Fit and Employee Engagement using these assessments to build a strong company by hiring the right people for the right positions. 

Available in print or download versions.

ESSI Professional’s Guide

You want to teach the Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator, but you need more background information on the tool itself. 

The ESSI Professional’s Guide will assist you with the understanding and application of the ESSI instruments, so you are informed and professionally responsible in the administration of this tool with your clients, students, or employees. 

The ESSI Professional’s Guide contains information on

  • The purpose and need for the ESSI;
  • How the ESSI and related tools were developed;
  • The research behind Part Two of the ESSI (The 28 Success Factors) which included 4000 successful entrepreneurs;
  • The theory of Personal Style and how it was the guide to the development of CRG’s tools.

This 64-page ESSI Professional’s Guide is available in print or downloadable versions.