What Do You Really Value? eCourse

Learn What Motivates Yourself and Others!

Every day, your choices reveal what you really value – or maybe they don’t because you have never confirmed your core values.

What would it mean if you could make the Right Decision Every Time?

That is what you will learn to do in this What Do You Really Value? eCourse.

  • Learn EXACTLY How To Use Your Internal Motivators (What We Call Values) as a Foundational Filter in your Daily Decisions!
  • Determine if what you THINK is valuable is REALLY a value to you – or something that others have just expected of you.
  • Reveal to what degree you are living your life aligned with your most important values..
  • Find out if your decisions and actions have been congruent with your core behavioral values.
  • REDUCE your stress levels.
  • Increase your resilience, grit and will power.
  • Leave with an Action Plan to ensure your life activities align perfectly with what you REALLY Value!

Now Only $247

What Do You Really Value?


19 Life Affirming and Transformational Lessons

Values Preference Indicator (VPI) Assessment Included (Value $35)
Once completed you get your own personalized 13-page Values Preference Indicator Assessment Report
 3 Hours of Easy to Comprehend Training Videos
19 Simple Modules
 5-page CRG Models Handout
 12 Short and Fun Quizzes
And Your Personalized Certificate of Completion

Exclusive Learning at
Your Own Pace

This eCourse is designed to show you exactly how to improve your life through increased self-awareness and self-mastery. Enroll now to get complete access to video lessons along with an exclusive content only available in this course. Learn at your own pace on mobile or desktop. Do it in 4 hours, or 4 weeks. The choice is completely yours!

Confirm That What You THINK Are Your Most Important Values Really Reflect What
You Actually Value with the What Do You Really Value eCourse


Once You Determine Your Personal and Professional Values Preferences, You Make
More Intentional Life Choices!

This course helps you to establish where you can increase your fulfillment and purpose in life. Dr. Keis will teach you how you can reduce conflict and increase harmony as others become aware of the needs and wants of your top values.

Are you ready to increase your overall confidence and clarity in all areas of your life?

Students Give This

Personal Style eCourse a

4.9 out of 5

star rating.

Just some of the over 1 Million clients who have used CRG assessments and the content of this What Do You Really Value? eCourse to transform individually, as a team, and/or as an organization



“The Values Preference Indicator was a particular eye-opener for me. It was a real wake-up
call to discover that the areas I value most are areas in which I don’t spend the most time. For
example, I highly value friendship, but I was not making time to get together with friends.

Knowing my top values and rating my satisfaction in those areas helped me set goals and makeplans to spend more time involved in the areas of my life that I truly value.

The Values Preference Indicator is a tool that can be used as you transition to a new life-cycle phase. My next life cycle will be retirement. I plan to revisit this assessment then.”

Jenny Lace
Certified Parent Coach


I first took the Values Preference Indicator as part of a work- place session. Since then, I revisit the VPI every 6 to 12 months to see if my core values have shifted and, if they have, why. It is an opportunity to reflect on what each of my core values brings to my everyday life. 

Subsequently, the values I associate more closely with my needs will move up and down the list more frequently—values such as friendship, intimacy, and cooperation. The values I always identify as my main core values—independence, creativity, and challenge—have always been my top three.

The largest benefit is to craft my life, both at home and at work, to reflect my values. Also, by frequently returning to the VPI, I understand how I am developing as a person. The VPI allows me to frequently check-in with myself and my personal goals.



I design my programs to meet the individual needs of my clients. The Values Preference Indicator is just one of your assessments that support this part of my program. Participants have found each system an excellent tool in assisting them in their personal development.

Agnes Schoepfner, LC, BA
ADD Training


As a consultant, I’ve taken numerous behavioural tests over the years, but never one that was values-focused. I was surprised at how well the results of the Value Preference Indicator online course aligned with how I think about and approach decisions on a daily basis. The insights that the report offered were extremely valuable, and practical to apply. I recommend going through that exercise with every one of my clients.

Dan Dasko
Breakthrough Academy Coach

About Your Course Leader Dr. Ken Keis

Ken Keis, Ph.D. is an expert in leadership, wellness, purpose and behavioral assessments. In fact, Dr. Keis has conducted the content of this eCourse in a live or online format nearly 1000 times over the past 30 years. He brings his highly engaging style with illustrations for you to experience in this course.

His passion is to equip individuals (through this course) with the emotional intelligence and self-awareness to improve their relationships and increase their success in all areas of their life.

Dr. Keis is also the host of the podcast series, Secrets of Success, Keis’ material is proven to increase productivity and reduce conflict.

His message applies to both business and personal use. As a bestselling author, he has written or co-written four books, 12 assessments and over 500 articles.

Hundreds of thousands have experienced Dr. Keis in live presentations, and over a thousand professional developers and leaders have been through CRG’s PMAC – Professional Mastery & Assessments Certification 3-Day training program.

Dr. Keis’ seminars are beneficial for corporations, small businesses, schools, churches, and government agencies. These time-tested strategies work to improve results, lower stress, minimize employee turnover and dramatically improve communications.

Ken is the owner of CRG Consulting Resource Group, International, Inc. a leading provider of the cutting-edge CRG Holistic Assessment System which now offers a dozen different assessments.

Everything in life centers on measurement: money, travel, time—the list is endless. Yet, in our experience, most people do not truly understand what their core values might be and how to live them out. Confusion and lack of congruence in our operational values hinders our abilities to make timely decisions. Dr. Keis will share breakthrough research on why values clarification is foundational to everyone’s success and provide you a step-by-step roadmap to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Lesson Plan Sequence


Welcome & Introduction


Overview: What Do You Really Value?


Values Research


Credibility – Part One


Credibility – Part Two


Developing the Whole Person


The Power of Self-Awareness


Your Values Preference Indicator Report


Your Window-Shopping Values List


What Makes Something Valuable?


The Values Matrix – Part Two of Your VPI


Comparing Your Two Values Lists


Values, Needs, and Fears Grid


Rating Your Values Fulfillment – Part Three


Identifying the Time and Activities to Fulfill Your Values


How to Make the Right Decision Every Time!


Success Stories and How This Applies With Others


What is Your Action Plan?


Next Steps – Wrap-Up Congratulations!

Remember, you can contact us at any time! Stay Connected with Us! Tweet Us!

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