Have you ever given up on a dream because you thought it was too late? Have you quit because fulfilling your dream would take too long? Do you know others who have used those excuses to not proceed? Do you have any idea what that mindset is costing you in terms of fulfillment, impact, and your purpose? Today’s message is simple: It’s Never Too Late for you to start, correct, re-open, finish, etc.
Where does that concept apply?
It can pertain to action items, behaviors, and/or character traits.
Are these statements familiar?
- I’m too old to start.
- I’m too young to.
- I’ve been smoking so long, I can’t quit now.
- I just have to accept my poor health and wellness levels.
- I have not talked to my brother for 20 years. Why would I attempt to now?
- Do you know it would take me four years to finish my degree?
- I’ve been a laborer for 30 years. It’s too late for me to learn new technology.
And so on.
Here’s an interesting bit of research conducted with individuals who were retired and over 70 years of age. They were asked this question: If they could live their lives all over again, what would they do differently, if anything? In the end, these were the most common answers:
- They would take more time off and take more time for themselves.
- They would take more risks.
- They would commit to more projects that would last beyond their lifetime.
The answers are simple yet hold a powerful message. Those wise retirees really felt that committing to being more engaged in their lives would lead to more impact and personal fulfillment. Unless we are on our deathbed, there is little reason for the majority of us to say it’s too late. Oddly enough, our society seems to believe that if something is not done by a certain time in our lives, it’s too late. Nonsense! If you truly have an interest, passion, purpose, or desire to achieve or to change, it’s never too late.
Years ago, I had a personal tour of a special healthcare facility in Vancouver called Canuck Place, which provides holistic care to families with terminally ill children. It is one of only a handful of such facilities in all of North America. When I left, I was not only humbled, I was moved to new levels of compassion. What surprised me most is that these children are provided with the most active and engaging programs relative to their conditions, including pursuing their required school curricula. We were told a story about a nine-year-old child who was actively involved in her learning until the day before she died. Wow!
If you still support the argument that it is too late to do or be something, do us all a favor and immediately get rid of that excuse!
Here are other inspiring stories
- My mother-in-law was a widow for 7 years. At age 76, she remarried. She and her groom were like any newlyweds madly in love for 13 years until he also passed away.
- A 55-year-old male in Vancouver almost died of a heart attack due to his obesity. He changed his lifestyle, lost 100 pounds, and competed in an extreme sports trek competition where he pushed himself for 14 days in the New Zealand wild.
- Moses was 80 before his first real job.
- When Abraham Lincoln finally won the Presidency of the United States, he failed to win that office on many other occasions over several decades.
- When J.K. Rowling finally started writing, she was unemployed and around the age of 40. She, of course, is the author of the Harry Potter books.
What have you not done because you think it is too late? What is that costing you in terms of purpose, passion, and fulfillment?
What achievements have you denied yourself and others because of your “It’s Too Late” position?
Remember that retired individuals wish they had taken more risks? Well, now is your time!
I want to encourage you that it’s not too late to change or quit something, either.
- This is the time to stop smoking.
- Now you can clear the air with someone in terms of a relationship.
- Seriously consider embracing the lifestyle change you have been thinking about for so long!
Update your goals and desires.
Example: When I was young, I wanted to own a Ferrari, but that is no longer on my Dream List. I also wanted to own and operate one of the largest agricultural operations in the country; that idea does not appeal to me today.
Our desires evolve and change. That’s fine. All I’m asking is that you create a Dream List that is current, real & appealing, and authentic to you and your calling. See yourself being successful with the items on it. Visualize the trip you have not taken, that course you wanted to pass, the health level you always have sought, or the relationship you’ve always envisioned.
To assist you on your journey away from “It’s Too Late,” I am recommending some transformational resources. Found here.
- To be clear about your values, complete our e-course What Do You Really Value? This is your own opinion about your values.
- To help you with your health intentions, complete our e-course, Dying to Live! Which includes the Stress Indicator and Health Planner assessment.
- To be clear about your direction in life, register and engage in our e-course, The Quest For Purpose! Which will help you discover your purpose and directions.
The greatest gift you can give to yourself and others is to embrace the possibilities and fulfill your calling. When you are on purpose with the passion and desire that follow, there will be no stopping you!
It’s never too late action steps
- Unless you are on your deathbed (even then, much can be done), It’s Never Too Late!
- What has your “It’s Too Late” excuse cost you in terms of personal and professional fulfillment?
- Let go of any guilt or regret about your “It’s Too Late” list. Just map out a new plan to get going.
- Document a new Dream List. Why are those items on your list?
- Make sure your new Dream List includes only items that are relevant and authentic today.
- Select one item on your new Dream List that you can immediately jump-start. Imagine for a moment that you have already achieved that item. How does that make you feel? Great, right? NOW is the time to get started!
- Your “It’s Too Late” thinking can be released when you feel you are on more solid ground. That can be achieved by engaging the following CRG e-courses: What Do You Really Value?, The Quest For Purpose, and Dying to Live!
- Who else can you encourage to let go of his or her “It’s Too Late” belief system?
- Enjoy the journey. Now you have little or nothing on your “It’s Too Late” list! Your Dream List is your mission!
Until next time, keep Living On Purpose!