CRG Trainer’s Guidelines

On this page are 11 different CRG Trainer’s Guidelines one for each of the 11 primary CRG assessments. We acknowledge that the marketplace and CRG have quickly transitioned to the online version of our assessments, however some our Trainer’s Guidelines still reference the print-based version of our tools. When applying to online version simply skip over the print based administration and move to the facilitation of the results and content. All the Guidelines are sold in a downloadable PDF. If you would like to have a hard copy printed, bound, and shipped please contact our office directly.

Personal Style Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines

As a trainer, you will find the Personal Style Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines an essential tool for presenting and using the PSI. Presentation options range from basic (no presentation) to advanced (30 minutes to 12 hours).

Don’t reinvent the wheel? CRG has presented the PSI thousands of times and are now offering you their professional insights and training tips. The Personal Style Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines (70-pages) is the essential tool for presenting and using the PSI along with the PSI PowerPoint, CRG Master Models Handouts or the PSI Workbooks for a full, professional presentation.

  • Also available in the PSI eCourse Why Aren’t You More Like Me? with 15 modules and over 5 hours of video.
  • Coming soon PSI Trainer’s eCourse

Available in Downloadable PDF Format.

Job Style Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines

Help your clients hire the right person the first time! Train them in how to use the Job Style Indicator (JSI) effectively. They will be grateful for the time and money you saved them! 

The JSI Trainer’s Guidelines (20-pages) will help you frame a valuable presentation. 

At the end, your participants will be able to:

  • Explain the Definition of a Job Skill;
  • List their Job Skill Asset and Deficit Areas; and
  • Understand the Relationship between Personal Style and Job Style.

Change your clients’ views on job style with your presentation of the Job Style Indicator. 

Available in Downloadable PDF Format.

Sales Style Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines

Use CRG’s presentation templates in the SSI Trainer’s Guidelines to ensure you make the most of your training. Create more of the outcomes your clients desire by evaluating their preferred style of selling and the buying styles of their clients.

The Guidelines include the following:

  • Session Objectives
  • Definitions of the Different Sales Styles
  • How to Interpret Scores 

Create more of the outcomes your clients desire by evaluating their preferred style of selling and the buying styles of their clients. 

The Sales Style Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines (25-pages) is the essential tool for presenting and using the SSI along with the SSI PowerPoint, CRG Master Models Handouts or the Why Don’t You Sell The Way That I Buy?  Workbook for a full, professional presentation.

Available in Downloadable PDF Format.

Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines

Think like an entrepreneur; leverage CRG’s experience by using the ESSI Trainer’s Guidelines for your presentation!

By using the ESSI Trainer’s Guidelines, you will help your clients:

  • Define Entrepreneurial Style;
  • Discriminate between Potential and Ability; and
  • Use the Proven Success Factors to Further Their Own Success.

The ESSI Trainer’s Guidelines (15-pages) is the essential tool for presenting and using the ESSI along with the ESSI PowerPoint, CRG Master Models Handouts or the Discovering Your Pathway to Entrepreneurial Success Workbook for a full, professional presentation.

Available in Downloadable PDF Format.

Learning Style Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines

The LSI Trainer’s Guidelines is the essential tool for presenting and using the LSI

The LSI Trainer’s Guidelines (25-pages) gives you the framework for presenting and working through the LSI with your clients. CRG has presented the LSI many times and is now offering you their professional insights and training tips.

These Guidelines provide you with the following:

  • Objectives for Your Presentation
  • Presentation Options
  • Background Information
  • Discussion of the Different Learning Styles
  • Group Exercises

Available in Downloadable PDF Format.

Instructional Style Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines

Help your clients meet the needs of ALL their learners.

The Instructional Style Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines (28-pages) was developed to help trainers, teachers, facilitators, and parents identify the way they prefer to teach, their strengths, and areas for change using CRG’s ISI

Flexibility in teaching styles is beneficial to ensure all participants get the most from the session. 

The ISI Trainer’s Guidelines will guide you through:

  • Discussions on Thinking and Learning Style Patterns
  • Explaining the Definition of Learning Style; and
  • Instructing How to Complete the ISI.

Engage your participants with examples and exercises specific to the Instructional Style Indicator. 

Available in Downloadable PDF Format.

Stress Indicator and Health Planner Trainer’s Guidelines

Increase your effectiveness with your clients by using the Stress Indicator and Health Planner Trainer’s Guidelines to create your training. We recommend that you also use the SIHP PowerPoint to debrief the SIHP report or to conduct a workshop on the SIHP.

With the SIHP Trainer’s Guidelines, you will help your clients:

  • Assess Their Current Level of Stress and Health in five separate categories.
  • Determine what they can improve in each area to increase their wellness.
  • Set an action plan in place. Understand What They Can Do to Change Them.

Note: The SIHP is constantly being updated with the latest health and wellness research for you and your team – to first benchmark your condition -and then outline simple, yet power strategies to decrease your stress and increase your wellness. With 120 questions and over 24 pages of health recommendations – this is a powerful assessment and process for any individual or group who wants to improve their wellbeing. 

We would highly recommend that you use the SIHP PowerPoint to facilitate any debrief of the SIHP as the most recent research and teach points are contained in the PowerPoint and the SIHP Health Planner section of the assessment. 

Available in Downloadable PDF Format.

Values Preference Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines

As a trainer, you will find the Values Preference Indicator Trainer’s Guidelines (20 pages) an essential tool for presenting and using the VPI. Presentation options range from basic (no presentation) to advanced (30 minutes to 4 hours). These Guidelines have been updated to reflect the use of the online version of the VPI.

We highly recommend that you use the VPI PowerPoint when debriefing or conducting a workshop around the content of the VPI

The VPI is a simple yet powerful process to help measure personal values preferences. It is intended to be a self-awareness and educational tool, while helping users gain a deeper understanding of the values that are most important to them. The exercises in this Indicator have been designed so that participants can systematically examine fundamental values for the purpose of self-learning and group discussion. 

The VPI Trainer’s Guidelines provides you with:

  • Teach them how values and personal style work together.
  • Discuss why values are important and how they link to needs and fears.
  • A script detailing the main concepts of the VPI.
  • Group exercises.
  • Also available is a full eCourse “What Do You Really Value?” that you personally or others can complete with 3 hours of video and 19 modules.

Available in Downloadable PDF Format.

Self-Worth Inventory Trainer’s Guidelines

Use CRG’s expertise in presenting the Self-Worth Inventory (SWI) to create a safe environment for your participants and to increase the effectiveness of your training.

The SWI Trainer’s Guidelines (23-pages) will help you:

  • Explain How Powerful Self-Worth is for Success in All Areas of Life.
  • Outline an Action Plan Template for Your Clients.
  • Discuss the 12 Steps to Increasing Self-Worth.
  • Develop a compelling 2 to 6 Hour Training on the SWI.

Self-worth is a powerful force that can either make or break us.

Give your clients the information they need to succeed. 

Available in Downloadable PDF Format.

Leadership Skill Inventory – Self Trainer’s Guidelines

Start the shift in your organization toward inspiring, motivating transformational leaders with the LSI–Self Trainer’s Guidelines (17-pages) which outlines presentations to debrief the results from the LSI-Self. We would highly recommend that you use the Transforming Leadership PowerPoint with the Guidelines to get the impact you want. 

The LSI–Self, more than CRG’s other assessments, requires discussion and action plans to move forward. The information is useless unless you do something with it. Help your clients move forward. Give them a starting place to discuss their results and create a plan for the future. 

In the LSI-Self Trainer’s Guidelines, you will find the following:

  • A 2 to 4 Hour Presentation Template.
  • A Comprehensive Introduction to the Transforming Leadership book.
  • Individual and Group Exercises.

Available in Downloadable PDF Format.