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Print Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP)


The Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP) helps you assess your stress and wellness level in five different categories. The SIHP is constantly being updated with the latest health and wellness research for you and your team – to first benchmark your condition -and then outline simple, yet power strategies to decrease your stress and increase your wellness. With 120 questions and over 24 pages of health recommendations – this is a powerful assessment and process for any individual or group who wants to improve their wellbeing.

With the advent of mobile technology, we do highly recommend, (if possible) – that you consider the online version of the CRG assessments.

Note: There will soon be a full online course Dying To Live: Breakthrough Stress Reduction and Health Practises which supports the applications and insights gained from the SIHP results.


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Did you know that according to the World Health Organization that 90-95% of all illness is lifestyle related and preventable? Did you also know that over 75% of individuals in the developed world are now overweight and over 50% are highly stress at work?

The Stress Indicator and Health Planner is an instrument designed to help you assess your current levels of stress and health in 5 Categories.

  1. Distress Levels – Physically, Psychologically & Behaviorally
  2. Interpersonal Stress
  3. Nutritional and Lifestyle Stress
  4. Time Stress
  5. Occupational Stress

The SIHP can assist you to do the following:

  • Instantly provide you information so you can develop a plan to enhance your overall wellness and decrease your stress levels.
  • Increase your awareness and insight regarding potential risk areas that interfere with optimal health, performance, and long-term enjoyment of life.
  • Provide you a roadmap for self and others to plan for increased health and vitality.
  • Allow engagement by anyone at anytime without the need of certification or the involvement of outside professionals.
  • The Health Planner is designed to provide practical information and common sense to assist you in making choices that will move you in the direction of your wellness goals.
  • Use the Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP) on a regular and planned basis; we recommend that you consider completing the SIHP at least once a year to track or benchmark any changes to your (or organizations) stress and wellness levels.
  • Implemented as part of any Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
  • Use the SIHP with the other CRG assessments as a process to reduce stress – such as job fit, values clarification, leadership skills development, etc., especially for the interpersonal, time and occupational stress categories.
  • As our life changes, so do our stress and wellness levels. The SIHP is an excellent way to be proactive in your overall health strategies.
  • Created your organizational or corporate wellness programs using the SIHP to benchmark and track the overall health and wellness practices of their employees. Then based on the SIHP results, track trends and implement training and support programs to address important or critical stress and wellness issues.
  • You will also find that many of the other CRG assessments can assist you in your strategies to reduce your stress and improve your wellness, especially as you review the interpersonal, time, and occupational sections.

Special Note:

  • Although the Stress Indicator and Health Planner is well-grounded in accepted medical research, the Stress Indicator should not be used as a substitute for medical diagnosis and the Health Planner should not be used for the self-treatment of any suspected illness. In the case of any suspected illness, you should see your doctor. If you have a concern, you can complete this assessment and take the results to your doctor. This will help you explain in greater detail any conditions you might have.

Use the SIHP to:

  • Identify Stress Levels in 5 Critical Areas
  • Determine Targeted Action Plans
  • Incorporate Healthy Behaviors
  • Increase Health and Wellness Levels
  • Raise Job Satisfaction
  • Improve Performance & Quality of Life

Who can benefit:

  • Any Individual Who Wants To Decrease Stress and Increase Their Wellness
  • Employee Assistance Programs
  • Corporate Wellness Programs
  • Each Family Member
  • Employees and Managers
  • HR Departments
  • Organizations Who Care About Health and Wellness
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Additional information

Weight 0.0850 kg
Dimensions 28 × 22 × 0.3 cm



Related products

  • Online Stress Indicator and Health Planner (SIHP)

  • SIHP PowerPoint Downloadable

  • ecourse

    Dying to Live – SIHP eCourse
